- Mad Men. The name of the show about the great publicists of the 50s that brought slicked hair back to the top, comes from the name of the street where all the major agencies were: Mad…ison Avenue. From series 3 onwards the hearth of the story pulses in the Time & Life Building, home of the buzzy Sterling Cooper Draper Price company. The building does really exist (at 1271 Avenue of the Americas – Sixth Avenue – between West 50th and 51st Streets), and was recently restored, luckily without losing its classic 50s charm and the magic of a place where every Life and Time magazine was born.
- Talking about TV series and not mentioning Sex & City would be a shame: the city is without a doubt the fifth main character of the story… I mean, it’s in the show title! Want to see Carrie’s place? Just look it up in Google Maps: type in Carrie Bradshaw’s House and the correct address will pop up: 66 Perry Street and Bleecker Street. It’s impossible not to mention the famous Magnolia Bakery and the iconic New York Public Library where Carrie and Big should have married (5th Avenue, between East 40th & 42nd Streets). It’s really worth a visit, even if you are not a fan.
- If after the (bittersweet) end of the 9th season of “How I Met your Mother” you are still longing for the company of Ted, Barney, Robin, Marshall e Lily (or better, Marshmallow e Lilypad), while you are in New York you can enjoy beer and burger at their pub, maybe at their very table! The real McLaren is actually called McGee’s Pub&Restaurant (240 West 55th Street between Broadway and 8th Ave), and is still there.
We suggest you to go on Monday, when the“HIMYM Monday” takes place, and you can find the “Bro code Combo” or the “Suit up Sandwich” on the menu. And maybe someone will solve the pineapple dilemma too.

- Trip Tips